What’s new?

Portrait and landscape view

You can now view offences in portrait as well as landscape.

To change orientation, either:

  • turn your iPad on its side, or
  • if the screen is locked to one view, open the control centre (swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen) and click on the padlock to unlock it. To close the control centre, swipe down.

One page

Guidelines are displayed on a single page. Scroll down to see all the content. 

The guideline title/offence name stays at the top of the page so you always know which guideline you are looking at. 

Keeping your place

When you are looking at a guideline, you can now do a range of things without losing your place, for example:

  • bookmark and look at other guidelines
  • use the fines calculator and pronouncement cards.

Full screen

A lot more of the screen is now devoted to displaying the guidelines, and it is easier to turn off the menus and toolbars so you can see more. Tap the arrows to open and close the menus.


You can now bookmark any number of offences from the index without leaving your current page. 

Working with more than guideline at a time

It is now easier to use more than one guideline at a time. The best way to do this is to bookmark the guidelines you want to look at. You can then switch easily between them.

Useful tools and information: bookmarks, explanatory materials, fines calculator, latest updates, pronouncement cards, useful information

We have moved all these to the side navigation bar but kept the same icons so you will recognise them. To open the side navigation, tap the “open” arrow at the bottom left of the screen. Tap to close.

  • Bookmarks
  • Explanatory materials
  • Fines calculator
  • Latest updates
  • Pronouncement cards
  • Useful information

Fines calculator

You can now calculate fines for up to six offences. 

You can make changes at any point up to the end of the calculation process.

If you do, the fine will be re-calculated for you. When you’ve finished, all the information you need about the fine is in one place.

Explanatory materials

All the explanatory materials content is the same but we have “nested” the sections so it is easier to find what you want and see which section you are in.

Highlighting information

We have introduced a highlighter to help you keep track of information as you work through the steps of the guideline.