How to use these sentencing guidelines

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  • search for keywords, eg bribery, knives, sex,
  • enter the name of the relevant Act and/or section, eg Explosive Substances Act 1883, Public Order Act, section 5, or
  • scroll down the A to Z list of offences (guidelines not yet in effect are listed in purple).

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  • Abstracting electricity

    Theft Act 1968, s.13
    evasion,illegal,s.13,s13,section 13,TH68058,theft,
  • Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.19
    abuse of position of trust,Abuse of position of trust causing child to watch sexual act,Abuse of position of trust watch sexual act,Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act,abuse of trust,causing child to watch sexual act,child abuse,making a child watch,sex,sex offences,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.19),Sexual Offences Act (s19),Sexual Offences Act (section 19),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.19),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s19),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 19),SOA,SOA (s.19),SOA (s19),SOA (section 19),SOA 2003 (s.19),SOA 2003 (s19),SOA 2003 (section 19),trust offences,
  • Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.17
    Abuse of position of trust causing or inciting,Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child sexual activity,Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,abuse of trust,causing a child,child abuse,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.17),Sexual Offences Act (s17),Sexual Offences Act (section 17),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.17),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s17),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 17),SOA,SOA (s.17),SOA (s17),SOA (section 17),SOA 2003 (s.17),SOA 2003 (s17),SOA 2003 (section 17),SX03054,SX03055,SX03056,SX03057,
  • Abuse of position of trust: sexual activity in the presence of a child/ Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.18, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.19
    Abuse of position of trust causing child to watch sexual act,Abuse of position of trust presence of a child,Abuse of position of trust watch sexual act,Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act,Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,Abuse of position of trust: sexual activity in the presence of a child,abuse of trust,abuse of trust sexual activity,causing child to watch sexual act,child abuse,making a child watch,sex,sex offences,sexual activity presence of child,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.18),Sexual Offences Act (s.19),Sexual Offences Act (s18),Sexual Offences Act (s19),Sexual Offences Act (section 18),Sexual Offences Act (section 19),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.18),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.19),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s18),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s19),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 18),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 19),SOA,SOA (s.18),SOA (s.19),SOA (s18),SOA (s19),SOA (section 18),SOA (section 19),SOA 2003 (s.18),SOA 2003 (s.19),SOA 2003 (s18),SOA 2003 (s19),SOA 2003 (section 18),SOA 2003 (section 19),SX03058,SX03059,SX03060,SX03061,trust offences,
  • Abuse of position of trust: sexual activity with a child/ Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.16, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.17
    abuse of position of trust,Abuse of position of trust causing or inciting,Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child sexual activity,Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,Abuse of position of trust: sexual activity with a child,abuse of trust,abuse of trust sex with child,causing a child,child abuse,sex,sexual activity with a child,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.16),Sexual Offences Act (s.17),Sexual Offences Act (s16),Sexual Offences Act (s17),Sexual Offences Act (section 16),Sexual Offences Act (section 17),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.16),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.17),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s16),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s17),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 16),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 17),SOA,SOA (s.16),SOA (s.17),SOA (s16),SOA (s17),SOA (section 16),SOA (section 17),SOA 2003 (s.16),SOA 2003 (s.17),SOA 2003 (s16),SOA 2003 (s17),SOA 2003 (section 16),SOA 2003 (section 17),SX03050,SX03051,SX03052,SX03053,SX03054,SX03055,SX03056,SX03057,
  • Administering a substance with intent

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.61
    administering a substance with intent,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.61),Sexual Offences Act (s61),Sexual Offences Act (section 61),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.61),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s61),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 61),SOA,SOA (s.61),SOA (s61),SOA (section 61),SOA 2003 (s.61),SOA 2003 (s61),SOA 2003 (section 61),substance with intent,SX03123,
  • Affray

    Public Order Act 1986, s.3
    PU86003,s.3,s3,section 3,
  • Aggravated burglary

    Theft Act 1968, s.10
    robbery in the home,s.10 Theft Act,s10 Theft Act,section 10 Theft Act,TH68045,TH68045A,TH68045C,TH68046,TH68046C,TH68047,TH68047C,TH68048,Theft Act 1968,Theft Act s.10,Theft Act s10,Theft Act section 10,violent burglary,
  • Animal cruelty

    Animal Welfare Act 2006, s.4 (unnecessary suffering), s.5 (mutilation), s.6 (docking of dogs’ tails), s.7 (administration of poisons etc), s.8 (fighting etc)
    AW06029,AW06041,AW06043,AW06044,AW06045,AW06046,AW06046B,AW06048,AW06049,AW06050,AW06051,AW06052,AW06053,AW06054,AW06055,AW06056,AW06057,AW06058,AW06059,AW06060,AW06061,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,section 4,section 5,section 6,section 7,section 8,
  • Arranging or facilitating sexual exploitation of a child

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.50
    arranging child sexual exploitation,arranging or facilitating sexual exploitation of a child,arranging sexual exploitation of a child,child sexual exploitation,facilitating child sexual exploitation,facilitating sexual exploitation of a child,sex,sexual exploitation of a minor,sexual exploitation of minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.50),Sexual Offences Act (s50),Sexual Offences Act (section 50),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.50),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s50),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 50),sexually exploiting a minor,sexually exploiting minor,SOA,SOA (s.50),SOA (s50),SOA (section 50),SOA 2003 (s.50),SOA 2003 (s50),SOA 2003 (section 50),SX03236,SX03239,SX03240,
  • Arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.14
    arranging child sex offence,arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence,commission child sex offence,facilitating child sex offence,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.14),Sexual Offences Act (s14),Sexual Offences Act (section 14),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.14),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s14),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 14),SOA,SOA (s.14),SOA (s14),SOA (section 14),SOA 2003 (s.14),SOA 2003 (s14),SOA 2003 (section 14),
  • Arson (criminal damage by fire)

    Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(1) and (3)
    arson criminal damage,CD71015,criminal damage,fire,s.1,s1,section 1,setting fire,
  • Arson/criminal damage with intent to endanger life or reckless as to whether life endangered

    Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(2) and (3)
    aggravated,CD71041,criminal damage,hate crime,s.1,s1,section 1,
  • Assault by penetration

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.2
    assault by penetration,assault penetration,indecent assault,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.2),Sexual Offences Act (s2),Sexual Offences Act (section 2),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.2),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s2),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 2),SOA,SOA (s.2),SOA (s2),SOA (section 2),SOA 2003 (s.2),SOA 2003 (s2),SOA 2003 (section 2),
  • Assault occasioning actual bodily harm / Racially or religiously aggravated ABH

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29, Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.47
    ABH,ABH aggravated,ABH s.47,ABH s47,assault,assault s.29,assault s.47,Assault s47,CD98073,Crime and Disorder Act s.29,Crime and Disorder Act s29,domestic violence,emergency worker,emergency workers,hate crime,OF61102,Offences Against the Person Act s.47,Offences Against the Person Act s47,racially aggravated ABH,religiously aggravated ABH,s.29,s.29 assault,S.29 Crime and Disorder Act,s.47,s.47 ABH,s.47 assault,s.47 Offences Against the Person Act,s29,S29 assault,S29 Crime and Disorder Act,s47,s47 ABH,s47 assault,s47 oap,s47 Offences Against the Person Act,section 29,section 47,Strangulation,violence,violence against the person,violent crime,
  • Assault of a child under 13 by penetration

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.6
    assault by penetration child,assault by penetration child u13,assault by penetration child under 13,assault of a child under 13 by penetration,child abuse,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.6),Sexual Offences Act (s6),Sexual Offences Act (section 6),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.6),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s6),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 6),SOA,SOA (s.6),SOA (s6),SOA (section 6),SOA 2003 (s.6),SOA 2003 (s6),SOA 2003 (section 6),
  • Assault on emergency worker

    Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018, s.1
    CJ88159,CJ88160,s.1,s1,section 1,
  • Assault with intent to resist arrest

    Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.38
    assault resisting arrest,assault s.38,assault s38,OF61095,Offences Against the Person Act s.38,Offences Against the Person Act s38,PC,police,Resist arrest,resisting,resisting arrest,s.38,s.38 assault,s.38 Offences Against the Person Act,s38,s38 assault,s38 Offences Against the Person Act,section 38,violence,violence against the person,violent crime,
  • Attempt to cause explosion, or making or keeping explosive with intent to endanger life or property (terrorism only)

    Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.3
    attempted explosion,attempted explosion endangering life,attempted explosion endangering life or property,attempted explosion endangering property,attempted explosion terrorism,attempting to cause explosion,explosion,explosive device,explosive substance,Explosive Substances Act,Explosive Substances Act s.3,Explosive Substances Act s3,having explosive,keeping explosive,making explosive,s.3 Explosive Substances Act,s3,terrorism,terrorism involving explosives,terrorist,terrorist bombs,
  • Attempted murder

    Criminal Attempts Act 1981, s.1(1)
    attempt,attempt murder,s.1(1),s1(1),violent offences,
  • Benefit Fraud

    Common law, Fraud Act 2006, s.1, Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.111A, Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.112, Tax Credits Act 2002, s.35, Theft Act 1968, s.17
    benefits,conspiracy to defraud,dishonest representations for obtaining benefit,evasion,FA06001,false accounting,false representations for obtaining benefit,fraud,fraud by abuse of position,fraud by failing to disclose information,fraud by false representation,s.1,s.112,s.17,s.35,s1,s112,s17,s35,section 1,section 112,section 17,section 35,SS92001,SS92041,SS92042,SS92043,SS92044,SS92047,SS92048,tax credit fraud,TC02002,
  • Bladed articles and offensive weapons – having in a public place

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139(1)), Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139A(1)), Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139A(2)), Prevention of Crime Act 1953 (s.1(1)), Prison Act 1952 (s.40CA)
    bladed,blades,CJ88144,CJ88151,CJ88152,knife,knives,offensive weapon,PC53001,possession,possession of a weapon,PR52044,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,school,school premises,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Bladed articles and offensive weapons – threats

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139AA(1)), Prevention of Crime Act 1953 (s.1A)
    bladed,blades,CJ88154,CJ88155,CJ88156,CJ88157,CJ88158,knife,knives,offensive weapon,PC53003,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,school,school premises,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Bladed articles and offensive weapons (having in public/education premises and threats) – children and young people

    knife,knife crime,knives,minor,offensive weapon,possession,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,youths,
  • Breach of a community order

    Sentencing Code, Sch. 10
    breach,breach community,breaches,CJA 2003,community breach,sch.8,sch8,schedule 8,
  • Breach of a criminal behaviour order

    Sentencing Code, s.339
    ASBO,ASBO breach,CBO,CBO breach,CPA 2014,criminal behaviour,criminal behaviour breach,SE20001,
  • Breach of a foreign travel order

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.103I
    FTO,S.103I,sectoin 103I,SOA 2003,SX03220,travel order,
  • Breach of a protective order (restraining and non-molestation orders)

    Family Law Act 1996, s.42A (breach of non-molestation order), Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.5A, Sentencing Code, s.363 (restraining orders)
    breach of restraining order,FL96001,nmo,non-molestation order,PH97012,protective order breach,restraining order,SE20002,
  • Breach of a sexual harm prevention order

    Sentencing Code, s.354, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.103I
    foreign travel breach,FTO,SE20005,SE20006,SE20012,SE20012A,sex harm order,sex offences breach,sex offences prevention order,SHO,SHPO,SOPO,SOPO breach,SX03220,SX03220A,SX03244,SX03244A,
  • Breach of a sexual offences prevention order

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.103I
    behaviour orders,breach of behaviour order,sex offences,SOBO,SX03220,
  • Breach of a Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Order/ Breach of a Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order

    Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.30
    modern slavery,MS15007,s.30,s30,section 30,trafficking,
  • Breach of a Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order

    Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.30
  • Breach of a suspended sentence order

    Sentencing Code, Sch. 16
    SSO,sso breach,suspended sentence breach,
  • Breach of an anti-social behaviour order

    Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, s.30
    ASBO,ASBO breach,
  • Breach of disqualification from acting as a director

    Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, s.13
    companies,CQ86002,CQ86007,CQ86012,directorship,Disqualification as director,s.13,section 13,
  • Breach of post-sentence supervision

    Criminal Justice Act 2003, s.256AC and sch.19A
    256,CJ03524,CJA 2003,post sentence supervision,PSS,PSSO,s 256ac,SDO,section 256ac,supervision default order,
  • Breach of supervision default order

    Criminal Justice Act 2003, s.256A and sch.19A
    2003 CJA,256,CJA 2003,post-sentence,s 256a,schedule 19a,SDO,section 256a,supervision-default,
  • Breach offences (other)

    Anti-social behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, Football Spectators Act 1989, s.14J
    14J,anti social,ASB,ASBO,ASBO breach,close premises,closure,closure power,community protection,dispersal,failure to hand over items,failure to move on,FB89013,FBO,football ban,Football banning order,PSPO,public spaces,public spaces protection order,S 14J,S14J,
  • Bribery

    Bribery Act 2010, s.1, Bribery Act 2010, s.2, Bribery Act 2010, s.6
    BA10008,BA10010,BA10011,BA10012,being bribed,bribery of foreign public officials,bribing another person,fraud,s.1,s.2,s.6,s1,s2,s7,section 1,section 2,section 6,
  • Bribery: Being bribed

    Bribery Act 2010, s.2
    being bribed,bribery of foreign public officials,bribing another person,fraud,s.1,s.2,s.6,s1,s2,s7,section 1,section 2,section 6,
  • Bribery: Bribery of foreign public officials

    Bribery Act 2010, s.6
    being bribed,bribery of foreign public officials,bribing another person,fraud,s.1,s.2,s.6,s1,s2,s8,section 1,section 2,section 6,
  • Bribery: Bribing another person

    Bribery Act 2010, s.1
    being bribed,bribery of foreign public officials,bribing another person,fraud,s.1,s.2,s.6,s1,s2,s6,section 1,section 2,section 6,
  • Care workers: causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.41
    care workers causing person to watch sexual act,care workers: causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.41),Sexual Offences Act (s41),Sexual Offences Act (section 41),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.41),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s41),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 41),SOA,SOA (s.41),SOA (s41),SOA (section 41),SOA 2003 (s.41),SOA 2003 (s41),SOA 2003 (section 41),watch sexual act care workers,
  • Care workers: causing or inciting sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.39
    Abuse of position of trust watch sexual act,care workers incitement sexual activity,Care workers: causing or inciting sexual activity,causing sexual activity care workers,inciting sexual activity care workers,sexual activity carers,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.39),Sexual Offences Act (s39),Sexual Offences Act (section 39),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.39),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s39),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 39),SOA,SOA (s.39),SOA (s39),SOA (section 39),SOA 2003 (s.39),SOA 2003 (s39),SOA 2003 (section 39),
  • Care workers: sexual activity in the presence of a person with a mental disorder/ Care workers: causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.40, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.41
    care workers causing person to watch sexual act,care workers sexual activity presence of person with mental disorder,care workers: causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act,Care workers: sexual activity in the presence of a person with a mental disorder,carers sexual activity in presence mental disorder,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.40),Sexual Offences Act (s.41),Sexual Offences Act (s40),Sexual Offences Act (s41),Sexual Offences Act (section 40),Sexual Offences Act (section 41),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.40),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.41),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s40),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s41),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 40),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 41),SOA,SOA (s.40),SOA (s.41),SOA (s40),SOA (s41),SOA (section 40),SOA (section 41),SOA 2003 (s.40),SOA 2003 (s.41),SOA 2003 (s40),SOA 2003 (s41),SOA 2003 (section 40),SOA 2003 (section 41),SX03208,SX03209,watch sexual act care workers,
  • Care workers: sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder/ Care workers: causing or inciting sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.38, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.39
    Abuse of position of trust watch sexual act,care workers incitement sexual activity,care workers sex with person with mental disorder,Care workers: causing or inciting sexual activity,Care workers: sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,carers sexual activity with person with mental disorder,causing sexual activity care workers,inciting sexual activity care workers,mental disorder sexual activity care workers,sexual activity carers,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.38),Sexual Offences Act (s.39),Sexual Offences Act (s38),Sexual Offences Act (s39),Sexual Offences Act (section 38),Sexual Offences Act (section 39),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.38),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.39),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s38),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s39),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 38),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 39),SOA,SOA (s.38),SOA (s.39),SOA (s38),SOA (s39),SOA (section 38),SOA (section 39),SOA 2003 (s.38),SOA 2003 (s.39),SOA 2003 (s38),SOA 2003 (s39),SOA 2003 (section 38),SOA 2003 (section 39),SX03096,SX03097,SX03099,
  • Causing a child to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.12
    causing a child to watch a sexual act,causing a child to watch a sexual act offender under 18,causing a minor to watch,causing child to watch sex act,causing child to watch sex act offender under 18,causing child to watch sexual act,causing child to watch sexual act offender under 18,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.12),Sexual Offences Act (s12),Sexual Offences Act (section 12),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.12),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s12),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 12),SOA,SOA (s.12),SOA (s12),SOA (section 12),SOA 2003 (s.12),SOA 2003 (s12),SOA 2003 (section 12),watch sexual act child,watch sexual act child offender under 18,
  • Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.4
    causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent,causing sexual activity,sex,sex no consent,sex without consent,sexual activity without consent,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.4),Sexual Offences Act (s4),Sexual Offences Act (section 4),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.4),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s4),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 4),SOA,SOA (s.4),SOA (s4),SOA (section 4),SOA 2003 (s.4),SOA 2003 (s4),SOA 2003 (section 4),SX03009,SX03010,
  • Causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in or agree to engage in sexual activity by inducement, threat or deception

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.35
    Causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in or agree to engage in sexual activity by inducement,causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by deception,causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by inducement,causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by threat,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.35),Sexual Offences Act (s35),Sexual Offences Act (section 35),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.35),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s35),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 35),SOA,SOA (s.35),SOA (s35),SOA (section 35),SOA 2003 (s.35),SOA 2003 (s35),SOA 2003 (section 35),threat or deception,
  • Causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act by inducement, threat or deception

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.37
    Causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act by inducement threat or deception,causing person with mental disorder to watch sex act,causing person with mental disorder to watch sexual act,inducement threat or deception,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.37),Sexual Offences Act (s37),Sexual Offences Act (section 37),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.37),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s37),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 37),SOA,SOA (s.37),SOA (s37),SOA (section 37),SOA 2003 (s.37),SOA 2003 (s37),SOA 2003 (section 37),
  • Causing a person, with mental disorder impeding choice, to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.33
    Abuse of position of trust watch sexual act,Causing a person,causing person with mental disorder to watch sexual act,mental disorder,sex act person with mental disorder,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.33),Sexual Offences Act (s33),Sexual Offences Act (section 33),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.33),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s33),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 33),SOA,SOA (s.33),SOA (s33),SOA (section 33),SOA 2003 (s.33),SOA 2003 (s33),SOA 2003 (section 33),to watch a sexual act,watch sexual act,with mental disorder impeding choice,
  • Causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs or having failed either to provide a specimen for analysis or to permit analysis of a blood sample

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.3A
    drive,RA88043,RA88044,RA88045,RA88048,RA88049,RT88526,RT88565,RT88584,s 3a,s3A,section 3a,
  • Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.2B
    drive,RT88564,s.2B,s2B,section 2B,
  • Causing death by dangerous driving

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.1
    drive,RA88046,s.1,s1,section 1,
  • Causing death by driving; disqualified drivers

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.3ZC
    RT88530,s.3ZC,s3ZC,Section 3ZC,
  • Causing death by driving: unlicensed or uninsured drivers

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.3ZB
    RA88042,s.3ZB,s3ZB,section 3ZB,
  • Causing explosion likely to endanger life or property (terrorism only)

    Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.2
    attempted explosion,attempted explosion endangering life,attempted explosion endangering life or property,attempted explosion endangering property,attempted explosion terrorism,attempting to cause explosion,cause explosion,cause explosion endagering property,cause explosion endangering life,causing explosion endangering life,causing explosion endangering life or property,causing explosion endangering property,endanger life,endanger property,explosion,explosion endangering life,explosion endangering life or property,explosion endangering property,explosive,explosive device,explosive substance,explosive substances,Explosive Substances Act,Explosive Substances Act s.2,Explosive Substances Act s.3,Explosive Substances Act s2,Explosive Substances Act s3,having explosive,keeping explosive,making explosive,s.2 Explosive Substances Act,s.3 Explosive Substances Act,s2,s3,terror,terrorism,terrorism explosive substances,terrorism involving explosions,terrorism involving explosives,terrorist,terrorist bombs,terrorist explosions,terrorist explosives,
  • Causing grievous bodily harm with intent to do grievous bodily harm / Wounding with intent to do GBH

    Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.18
    assault,assault s.18,assault s18,emergency workers,GBH,GBH s.18,GBH s18,GBH with intent,Offences Against the Person Act s.18,Offences Against the Person Act s18,s.18,s.18 assault,s.18 GBH,s.18 Offences Against the Person Act,s.18 wounding,s18,s18 assault,s18 GBH,s18 oap,s18 Offences Against the Person Act,s18 wounding,section 18,violence,violence against the person,violent crime,wounding,wounding s.18,wounding s18,wounding with intent,
  • Causing injury by wanton or furious driving

    Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.35
    drive,OF61089,s.35,s35,section 35,
  • Causing or allowing a child to die

    Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, s.5
  • Causing or allowing a child to suffer serious physical harm/ Causing or allowing a child to die

    Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, s.5
    allowing child to die,allowing child to suffer,causing a child to die,causing a child to suffer serious physical harm,causing child to die,causing child to suffer,child cruelty,cruelty to a child,death of a child,harming a child,infanticide,neglect,s.5,section 5,serious cruelty,serious harm,
  • Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.10
    cause or incite sexual activity child,cause or incite sexual activity child offender under 18,causing a minor,causing child to engage in sexual activity,causing child to engage in sexual activity offender under 18,Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity offender under 18,Causing or inciting sexual activity child,Causing or inciting sexual activity child offender under 18,inciting a minor,inciting child to engage in sexual activity,inciting child to engage in sexual activity offender under 18,sex,sex with a minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.10),Sexual Offences Act (s10),Sexual Offences Act (section 10),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.10),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s10),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 10),SOA,SOA (s.10),SOA (s10),SOA (section 10),SOA 2003 (s.10),SOA 2003 (s10),SOA 2003 (section 10),
  • Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.8
    cause or incite sexual activity child u13,cause or incite sexual activity child under 13,causing a minor,causing child under 13 to engage in sexual activity,Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity,Causing or inciting sexual activity child under 13,inciting a minor,inciting child under 13 to engage in sexual activity,sex,sexual assault of a minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.8),Sexual Offences Act (s8),Sexual Offences Act (section 8),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.8),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s8),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 8),SOA,SOA (s.8),SOA (s8),SOA (section 8),SOA 2003 (s.8),SOA 2003 (s8),SOA 2003 (section 8),SX03019,SX03020,
  • Causing or inciting prostitution for gain/ Controlling prostitution for gain

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.52, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.53
    Causing or inciting prostitution for gain,causing prostitution,controlling prostitutes for gain,controlling prostitution for gain,inciting prostitution,pimping,prostitute,prostitution,s.52,s.53,s52,s53,section 52,section 53,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.52),Sexual Offences Act (s.53),Sexual Offences Act (s52),Sexual Offences Act (s53),Sexual Offences Act (section 52),Sexual Offences Act (section 53),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s. 52),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.53),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s52),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s53),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 52),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 53),SOA,SOA (s.52),SOA (s.53),SOA (s52),SOA (s53),SOA (section 52),SOA (section 53),SOA 2003 (s. 52),SOA 2003 (s.53),SOA 2003 (s52),SOA 2003 (s53),SOA 2003 (section 52),SOA 2003 (section 53),SX03227,SX03228,SX03229,SX03230,SX03231,SX03232,
  • Causing or inciting sexual exploitation of a child/ Controlling a child in relation to sexual exploitation/ Arranging or facilitating sexual exploitation of a child

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.48, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.49, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.50
    arranging child sexual exploitation,arranging or facilitating sexual exploitation of a child,arranging sexual exploitation of a child,Causing or inciting sexual exploitation of a child,causing sexual exploitation of a child,child sexual exploitation,controlling a child in relation to sexual exploitation,controlling a minor,controlling sexual exploitation,exploitation of a minor,exploitation of minor,facilitating child sexual exploitation,facilitating sexual exploitation of a child,inciting sexual exploitation of a child,sex,sexual exploitation of a child,sexual exploitation of a minor,sexual exploitation of minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.48),Sexual Offences Act (s.49),Sexual Offences Act (s.50),Sexual Offences Act (s48),Sexual Offences Act (s49),Sexual Offences Act (s50),Sexual Offences Act (section 48),Sexual Offences Act (section 49),Sexual Offences Act (section 50),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.48),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.49),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.50),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s48),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s49),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s50),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 48),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 49),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 50),sexually exploiting a minor,sexually exploiting minor,SOA,SOA (s.48),SOA (s.49),SOA (s.50),SOA (s48),SOA (s49),SOA (s50),SOA (section 48),SOA (section 49),SOA (section 50),SOA 2003 (s.48),SOA 2003 (s.49),SOA 2003 (s.50),SOA 2003 (s48),SOA 2003 (s49),SOA 2003 (s50),SOA 2003 (section 48),SOA 2003 (section 49),SOA 2003 (section 50),
  • Causing serious injury by careless or inconsiderate driving

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.2C
    drive,RA88050,s.2C,s2C,Section 2C,
  • Causing serious injury by dangerous driving

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.1A
    drive,RT88526,s.1A,s1A,Section 1A,
  • Causing serious injury by driving: disqualified drivers

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.3ZD
    drive,RT88531,s.3ZD,s3ZD,Section 3ZD,
  • Child sex offences committed by children or young persons (sections 9-12) (offender under 18)/ Sexual activity with a child family member (offender under 18)/ Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity (offender under 18)

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.13, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.25, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.26
    child sex offences,incite sexual activity child family member,inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity,inciting sex with a minor,inciting sexual activity child family member,offender u18 sex with child family member,s.13,section 13,section 26,sentencing children and young people,sex,sex offences,sex with a minor,sex with child family member offender u18,sex with child family member offender under 18,sexual activity with a child,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.26),Sexual Offences Act (s26),Sexual Offences Act (section 26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 26),SOA,SOA (s.26),SOA (s26),SOA (section 26),SOA 2003 (s.26),SOA 2003 (s26),SOA 2003 (section 26),SX03035,SX03036,SX03037,SX03038,SX03039,SX03040,SX03041,SX03042,SX03043,SX03044,SX03045,SX03045A,SX03046,SX03062,SX03063,SX03066,SX03067,SX03070,SX03071,SX03074,SX03075,young people sex offences,young persons,youth sentencing,youth sex offences,
  • Collection of terrorist information

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.58
    collecting extremist material,collecting terrorist information,collecting terrorist material,having terrorist information,having terrorist material,possessing terrorist information,possessing terrorist material,PT00064,PT00065,PT00066,PT00067,recording terrorist information,recording terrorist material,s.58 Terrorism Act,s58 Terrorism Act,terror,terrorism,Terrorism Act s.58,Terrorism Act s58,
  • Committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.62
    committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence,offending with intent to commit sexual offence,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.62),Sexual Offences Act (s62),Sexual Offences Act (section 62),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.62),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s62),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 62),SOA,SOA (s.62),SOA (s62),SOA (section 62),SOA 2003 (s.62),SOA 2003 (s62),SOA 2003 (section 62),SX03124,
  • Committing offence with intent to commit a human trafficking offence

    Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.4
    modern slavery,MS15005,MS15006,s.4,s4,section 4,trafficking,
  • Common assault / Racially or religiously aggravated common assault/ Battery/ Common assault on emergency worker

    Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018, s.1, Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29, Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.39
    Aggravated assault,assault,assault by beating,assault s.39,assault s39,battery,CD98070,CJ88001,CJ88116,CJ88159,CJ88160,Crime and Disorder Act s.29,Crime and Disorder Act s29,Criminal Justice Act s.39,Criminal Justice Act s39,domestic violence,hate crime,racially aggravated assault,religiously aggravated assault,s.1,s.29,S.29 Crime and Disorder Act,s.39,s.39 assault,s.39 Criminal Justice Act,s1,s29,S29 Crime and Disorder Act,s39,S39 assault,s39 Criminal Justice Act,section 1,section 29,section 39,Strangulation,violence,violence against the person,violent crime,
  • Controlling a child in relation to sexual exploitation

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.49
    child sexual exploitation,controlling a child in relation to sexual exploitation,controlling a minor,controlling sexual exploitation,sex,sexual exploitation of a minor,sexual exploitation of minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.49),Sexual Offences Act (s49),Sexual Offences Act (section 49),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.49),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s49),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 49),sexually exploiting a minor,sexually exploiting minor,SOA,SOA (s.49),SOA (s49),SOA (section 49),SOA 2003 (s.49),SOA 2003 (s49),SOA 2003 (section 49),
  • Controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship

    Serious Crime Act 2015, s.76
    Abusive,coercion,controlling behaviour,domestic abuse,domestic context,s 76,SC15004,section 76,
  • Controlling prostitution for gain

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.53
    controlling prostitutes for gain,controlling prostitution for gain,pimping,prostitute,prostitution,s.52,s.53,s52,s53,section 52,section 53,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.53),Sexual Offences Act (s53),Sexual Offences Act (section 53),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.53),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s53),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 53),SOA,SOA (s.53),SOA (s53),SOA (section 53),SOA 2003 (s.53),SOA 2003 (s53),SOA 2003 (section 53),
  • Corporate manslaughter

    Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, s.1
    Corporate manslaughter,Corporate manslaughter (section 1),Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (s.1),Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (s1),Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (section 1),Corporate manslaughter s.1,Corporate manslaughter s1,
  • Corporate offenders (bribery)

    Bribery Act 2010, s.1, Bribery Act 2010, s.2, Bribery Act 2010, s.6, Bribery Act 2010, s.7
  • Corporate offenders (fraud)

    Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (section 170), Fraud Act 2006, s.1, Fraud Act 2006, s.6, Fraud Act 2006, s.7, Theft Act 1968, s.17, Value Added Tax Act 1994 (section 72)
  • Corporate offenders (fraud): Cheat the public revenue

    Common law
    cheat,cheat the public revenue,fraud,public revenue,
  • Corporate offenders (fraud): Conspiracy to defraud

    Common law
    conspiracy,conspiracy to defraud,fraud,
  • Corporate offenders (money laundering)

    Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329
    fraud,money laundering,
  • Corporate offenders: fraud, bribery and money laundering

    Bribery Act 2010, s.1, Bribery Act 2010, s.2, Bribery Act 2010, s.6, Bribery Act 2010, s.7, Common law, Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (section 170), Fraud Act 2006, s.1, Fraud Act 2006, s.6, Fraud Act 2006, s.7, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329, Theft Act 1968, s.17, Value Added Tax Act 1994 (section 72)
    acquisition use and possession of criminal property,being bribed,bribery of foreign public officials,bribing another person,CE79160,CE79161,CE79164,CE79166,CE79167,CE79176,cheat the public revenue,COML011,COML063,concealing,conduct amounting to an offence,conspiracy to defraud,converting,disguising,entering into arrangements concerning criminal property,evasion,FA06001,FA06002,FA06003,FA06004,FA06005,failure of commercial organisations to prevent bribery,false accounting,false statement for VAT purposes,fraud,fraudulent evasion of VAT,PC02006,PC02020,PC02021,removing criminal property from England and Wales,s.1,s.17,s.2,s.327,s.328,s.329,s.6,s.7,s.72,s1,s17,s2,s327,s328,s329,s6,s7,s72,section 1,section 17,section 2,section 327,section 328,section 329,section 6,section 7,section 72,TH68061,TH68062,transferring,VA94001,VA94002,VA94003,VA94004,VA94006,VA94007,
  • Criminal damage (other than by fire) value exceeding £5,000/ Racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.30, Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(1)
    CD71038,CD98074,criminal damage,criminal damage exceeding,hate crime,over,s.1,s.30,s1,s30,section 1,section 30,
  • Criminal damage (other than by fire) value not exceeding £5,000/ Racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.30, Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(1)
    CD71039,CD98074,criminal damage,criminal damage not exceeding,hate crime,s.1,s.30,s1,s30,section 1,section 30,under,
  • Cruelty to a child – assault and ill treatment, abandonment, neglect, and failure to protect

    Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s1(1)
    abandon child,assault a child,assault children,child abandonment,child assault,child cruelty,child ill treatment,child neglect,children,CY33054,failure to protect a child,failure to protect child,ill treatment of a child,s.1,section 1,
  • Cultivation of cannabis plant

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6(2)
    marijuana,s.6(2),s6(2),section 6(2),
  • Dangerous driving

    Road Traffic Act 1988, s.2
    drive,RT88026,RT88026B,s.2,s2,section 2,
  • Disclosing or threatening to disclose private sexual images

    Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, s.33
    pornographic pictures,pornography,revenge porn,s.33,section,
  • Disorderly behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress/ Racially or religiously aggravated disorderly behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.31(1)(b), Public Order Act 1986, s.4A
    alarm,CD98067,distress,harassment,PU86116,PU86117,s.31,s.4A,s31,s4A,section 31,section 4A,
  • Dissemination of terrorist publications

    Terrorism Act 2006, s.2
    Disseminating terrorism,encouraging and disseminating terrorism,extremist publications,publishing terrorism,s.2 Terrorism Act,s2 Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s.2,Terrorism Act s2,terrorism materials,terrorist dissemination,terrorist materials,terrorist publications,
  • Domestic burglary

    Theft Act 1968. s.9
    Burglary dwelling - with intent to cause damage,Burglary dwelling - with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm,Burglary dwelling - with intent to steal,Burglary dwelling and theft - no violence,dwelling,home,s.9,s9,section 9,TH68032,TH68036,TH68040,theft,
  • Encouragement of terrorism

    Terrorism Act 2006, s.1, Terrorism Act 2006, s.2
    encouraging and disseminating terrorism,Encouraging terrorism,s.1 Terrorism Act,s1 Terrorism Act,section 1,section 2,Terrorism Act s.1,Terrorism Act s1,terrorist,terrorist encouragement,TR06028,TR06029,TR06030,TR06031,TR06032,TR06033,
  • Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child/ Causing a child to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.11, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.12
    causing a child to watch a sexual act,causing a child to watch a sexual act offender under 18,causing a minor to watch,causing child to watch sex act,causing child to watch sex act offender under 18,causing child to watch sexual act,causing child to watch sexual act offender under 18,engage sexual activity child present,engage sexual activity child present offender under 18,engaging in sexual activity in presence of child,engaging in sexual activity in presence of child offender under 18,engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child,engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child offender under 18,presence of a minor,section 11,sex,sexual activity in presence of child,sexual activity in presence of child offender under 18,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.11),Sexual Offences Act (s.12),Sexual Offences Act (s11),Sexual Offences Act (s12),Sexual Offences Act (section 11),Sexual Offences Act (section 12),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.11),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.12),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s11),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s12),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 11),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 12),SOA,SOA (s.11),SOA (s.12),SOA (s11),SOA (s12),SOA (section 11),SOA (section 12),SOA 2003 (s.11),SOA 2003 (s.12),SOA 2003 (s11),SOA 2003 (s12),SOA 2003 (section 11),SOA 2003 (section 12),SX03031,SX03033,SX03033C,SX03034,watch sexual act child,watch sexual act child offender under 18,
  • Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a person with mental disorder impeding choice/ Causing a person, with mental disorder impeding choice, to watch a sexual act

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.32, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.33
    Abuse of position of trust watch sexual act,Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act,Causing a person,causing person with mental disorder to watch sexual act,engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a person with mental disorder impeding choice,mental disorder,sex act person with mental disorder,sexual activity in presence of person with mental disorder,sexual activity mental disorder impeding choice,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s. 32),Sexual Offences Act (s.33),Sexual Offences Act (s32),Sexual Offences Act (s33),Sexual Offences Act (section 32),Sexual Offences Act (section 33),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.32),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.33),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s32),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s33),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 32),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 33),SOA,SOA (s. 32),SOA (s.33),SOA (s32),SOA (s33),SOA (section 32),SOA (section 33),SOA 2003 (s.32),SOA 2003 (s.33),SOA 2003 (s32),SOA 2003 (s33),SOA 2003 (section 32),SOA 2003 (section 33),SX03086,SX03087,to watch a sexual act,watch sexual act,with mental disorder impeding choice,
  • Engaging in sexual activity in the presence procured by inducement, threat or deception, of a person with mental disorder/ Causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act by inducement, threat or deception

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.36, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.37
    Causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act by inducement threat or deception,causing person with mental disorder to watch sex act,causing person with mental disorder to watch sexual act,engaging in sexual activity in the presence procured by inducement threat or deception of a person with a mental disorder,inducement threat deception,inducement threat or deception,procured by inducement threat or deception,sex,sexual activity in presence of person with mental disorder,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.36),Sexual Offences Act (s.37),Sexual Offences Act (s36),Sexual Offences Act (s37),Sexual Offences Act (section 36),Sexual Offences Act (section 37),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.36),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.37),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s36),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s37),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 36),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 37),SOA,SOA (s.36),SOA (s.37),SOA (s36),SOA (s37),SOA (section 36),SOA (section 37),SOA 2003 (s.36),SOA 2003 (s.37),SOA 2003 (s36),SOA 2003 (s37),SOA 2003 (section 36),SOA 2003 (section 37),SX03092,SX03093,
  • Environmental offences (other)

    control of pollution (amendment) act 1989,CP89001,Environmental protection act 1990,EP90043,EP90136,EP90137,EP90138,EP90139,EP90140,s.111,s.34,s.80,section 34,section 80,sectoin 111,shipment of waste,trans-frontier shipment,Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007,transporting controlled waste without registering,TS07001,TS07002,TS07004,TS07005,TS07006,TS07007,TS07008,TS07009,TS07010,TS07011,TS07012,TS07013,TS07014,TS07015,TS07016,TS07017,TS07018,TS07019,TS07020,TS07021,TS07022,TS07023,TS07023A,TS07024,TS07025,TS07026,TS07027,TS07028,TS07029,TS07030,TS07031,TS07032,TS07033,TS07034,TS07035,TS07036,TS07037,TS07038,TS07039,TS07040,TS07041,TS07042,TS07043,TS07044,TS07045,TS07046,TS07047,TS07048,TS07049,TS07050,TS07051,TS07052,TS07053,TS07054,TS07055,TS07056,TS07057,TS07058,TS07059,TS07060,TS07061,TS07062,TS07063,TS07064,TS07065,TS07066,TS07067,TS07068,TS07069,TS07070,TS07071,TS07071A,TS07072,TS07073,TS07074,Water Industry Act 1991,WI91037,WI91043,WI91049,
  • Explosive substances (terrorism only)

    Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.2, Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.3
    explosion,s2,s3,section 2,section 3,terrorist,
  • Exposure

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.66
    exposure flashing,flasher,flashing,indecent exposure,s.66,s66,section 66,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.1),Sexual Offences Act (s.66),Sexual Offences Act (s1),Sexual Offences Act (s66),Sexual Offences Act (section 1),Sexual Offences Act (section 66),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s. 66),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s66),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 66),SOA,SOA (s.1),SOA (s.66),SOA (s1),SOA (s66),SOA (section 1),SOA (section 66),SOA 2003 (s. 66),SOA 2003 (s66),SOA 2003 (section 66),sx03128,SX03248,SX03249,SX03250,SX03251,SX03252,
  • Fail to comply with notification requirements

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.91
    fail,fail to comply,fail to notify,failing,failing to notify,failure,failure to comply,failure to notify,notification,notify,s.91,section 91,sexual offences notification,SX03204,SX03205,SX03206,SX03207,
  • Failing to protect girl from risk of genital mutilation

    Female Genital Mutilation Act, s.3A
    clitoridectomy,cruelty to a child,cutting,excision,female genital mutilation,FG03005,FGM,girls,infibulation,s 3a,section 3a,
  • Failure to disclose information about acts of terrorism

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.38B
    concealing terrorism information,information about terrorism,information about terrorist activity,information on terrorism,information on terrorist activity,not disclosing terrorist information,PT00063,s 38b,s.38B Terrorism Act,s38B Terrorism Act,section 38b,terror,terrorism,Terrorism Act s.38B,Terrorism Act s38B,terrorist,terrorist activity information,terrorist information,
  • Failure to surrender to bail

    Bail Act 1976, s.6
    abscond,appear,BA76001,BA76002,breach of bail,breach of conditions of bail,breaches,breaching,fail,failed,s.6,s6,section 6,
  • Firearms – Importation

    Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (s.170(1)(b), (2), (3) and (4A)(a)), Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (s.50(3), (4) and (5A)(a))
    CE79350,CE79354,firearms importation,gun import,gun smuggling,import firearms,import guns,import weapons,importation of firearms,importing weapons,s(4A)(a),s(5A)(a),s170(1)(b),s2,s3,s4,s50(3),section (4A)(a),section (5A)(a),section 170(1)(b),section 2,section 3,section 4,section 50(3),weapons import,
  • Firearms – Carrying in a public place

    Firearms Act 1968, s.19
    FI68089,FI68377,FI68378,FI68435,s.19,s19,section 19,
  • Firearms – Possession by person prohibited

    Firearms Act 1968, s.21(4) and (5)
    FI68099,FI68101,FI68102,FI68103,FI68105,FI68106,s.21(4),section s.21(4),
  • Firearms – Possession of prohibited weapon

    Firearms Act 1968, s.5(1), 5(1A)
    FI68004,FI68262,FI68263,FI68265,FI68268,FI68269,FI68271,FI68272,FI68274,FI68275,FI68277,FI68278,FI68390,FI68391,FI68394,FI68395,FI68398,FI68399,FI68402,FI68403,FI68406,FI68407,FI68410,FI68411,FI68413,FI68414,FI68417,FI68421,s.5(1A),s.51,s5(1A),s51,section 5(1A),section 51,
  • Firearms – Possession with intent – other offences

    Firearms Act 1968, s.17(1), Firearms Act 1968, s.17(2), Firearms Act 1968, s.18
    arrest,carry,commit,FI68064,FI68065,FI68068,FI68069,FI68076,FI68077,resist,s.17(1),s.17(2),s.18,s17(1),s17(2),s18,schedule 1,section 17(1),section 17(2),section 18,
  • Firearms – Possession with intent to endanger life

    Firearms Act 1968, s.16
    s.16,s16,section 16,
  • Firearms – Possession without certificate

    Firearms Act 1968, s.1(1)(a), Firearms Act 1968, s.1(1)(b), Firearms Act 1968, s.2(1)
    acquisition,aggravated,FI68001,FI68002,FI68010,FI68011,FI68014,FI68015,purchase,s.1(1)(a),s.1(1)(b),s.21,s1(1)(a),s1(1)(b),s21,section 1(1)(a),section s.1(1)(b),section s.2(1),
  • Firearms – Transfer and manufacture

    Firearms Act 1968, s.5(2A)(a), Firearms Act 1968, s.5(2A)(b), Firearms Act 1968, s.5(2A)(c), Firearms Act 1968, s.5(2A)(d)
    s.5(2A)(a),s.5(2A)(b),s.5(2A)(c),s.5(2A)(d),s5(2A)(a),s5(2A)(b),s5(2A)(c),s5(2A)(d),sale,section 5(2A)(a),section 5(2A)(b),section 5(2A)(c),section 5(2A)(d),sell,
  • Fraud

    Common law, Fraud Act 2006, s.1, Theft Act 1968, s.17
    COML011,conspiracy to defraud,FA06001,FA06002,FA06003,false accounting,fraud,fraud by abuse of position,fraud by failing to disclose information,fraud by false respresentation,fraud conspiracy,
  • Fraudulent evasion of a prohibition by bringing into or taking out of the UK a controlled drug

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.3; Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.170(2)
    CE79186,CE79187,CE79188,importation,importing,PWITS,s.170(2),s.3,s170(2),s3,section 170(2),section 3,
  • Funding terrorism

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.15, Terrorism Act 2000, s.16, Terrorism Act 2000, s.17, Terrorism Act 2000, s.18
    arranging funding for terrorism,arranging terrorism funding,financing terrorism,fund terrorism,funding terrorism,funding terrorism: fundraising,funding terrorism: money laundering,funding terrorism: use and possession,laundering money for terrorism,laundering money for terrorist activity,possessing and using terrorist funds,possessing terrorism funds,PT00016,PT00017,PT00018,PT00022,PT00023,raising funds for terrorism,s 15,s.15 Terrorism Act,s.16,s.16 Terrorism Act,s.17,s.17 Terrorism Act,s.18,s.18 Terrorism Act,s15,s15 Terrorism Act,s16,s16 Terrorism Act,s17,s17 Terrorism Act,s18,s18 Terrorism Act,section 15,section 16,section 17,section 18,terror,terrorism,Terrorism Act s.15,Terrorism Act s.16,Terrorism Act s.17,Terrorism Act s.18,Terrorism Act s15,Terrorism Act s16,Terrorism Act s17,Terrorism Act s18,terrorism finances,terrorism funding,terrorism money laundering,terrorism section 15,terrorism section 16,terrorism section 17,terrorism section 18,terrorist,using and possessing terrorist funds,using terrorism funds,
  • Funding terrorism – funding arrangements

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.17
    arranging funding for terrorism,arranging terrorism funding,financing terrorism,funding terrorism,s.17 Terrorism Act,s17 Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s.17,Terrorism Act s17,terrorism finances,terrorism funding,
  • Funding terrorism – fundraising

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.15
    financing terrorism,fund terrorism,funding terrorism,raising funds for terrorism,s.15 Terrorism Act,s15 Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s.15,Terrorism Act s15,terrorism finances,terrorism funding,
  • Funding terrorism – money laundering

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.18
    laundering money for terrorism,laundering money for terrorist activity,s.18 Terrorism Act,s18 Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s.18,Terrorism Act s18,terrorism money laundering,
  • Funding terrorism – use and possession

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.16
    possessing and using terrorist funds,possessing terrorism funds,s.16 Terrorism Act,s16 Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s.16,Terrorism Act s16,using and possessing terrorist funds,using terrorism funds,
  • Going equipped for theft or burglary

    Theft Act 1968, s.25
    equipped,going,possession of item,s.25,s25,section 25,TH68078,TH68079,TH68080,TH68081,theft,
  • Gross negligence manslaughter

    Common law
  • Handling stolen goods

    Theft Act 1968, s.22
    burglary,robbery,s.22,s22,section 22,TH68072,TH68073,TH68074,theft,
  • Harassment (fear of violence)/ Stalking (fear of violence)/ Racially or religiously aggravated harassment (fear of violence)/stalking (fear of violence)

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.32(1)(b), Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.4, Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.4A
    32(1)b,CD98076,CD98078,CD98079,harassment,harrasment,harrassment,PH97009,PH97010,PH97011,PH97011B,s 32(1)(b),s.32,s.4A,section 32,section 32(1)(a),section 32(1)(b),section 4,section 4A,stalking,
  • Harassment/ Stalking/ Racially or religiously aggravated harassment/stalking

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.32(1)(a), Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.2, Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.2A
    CD98069,CD98077,harasment,harassment,harrassment,PH97004,PH97006,s 2a,s 32(1)(a),s.2,s.32,section 2,section 2a,section 32,section 32(1)(a),stalking,
  • Having an article with blade/point in a public place

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139(1))
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Having an article with blade/point on education premises

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139A(1))
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Having an offensive weapon in a public place

    Prevention of Crime Act 1953 (s.1(1))
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Having an offensive weapon on education premises

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139A(2))
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Human trafficking

    Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.2
    modern slavery,s.2,s2,section 2,trafficking,
  • Importing or exporting a psychoactive substance

    Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.8
    PS16005,PS16006,s.8,s8,section 8,
  • Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.26
    incite sexual activity child family member,inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity,inciting sex with a minor,inciting sexual activity child family member,section 26,sex,sex with a minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.26),Sexual Offences Act (s26),Sexual Offences Act (section 26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 26),SOA,SOA (s.26),SOA (s26),SOA (section 26),SOA 2003 (s.26),SOA 2003 (s26),SOA 2003 (section 26),
  • Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity (offender under 18)

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.26
    Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity (offender under 18),inciting a minor,inciting sexual activity child family member offender u18,inciting sexual activity offender under 18,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.26),Sexual Offences Act (s26),Sexual Offences Act (section 26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 26),SOA,SOA (s.26),SOA (s26),SOA (section 26),SOA 2003 (s.26),SOA 2003 (s26),SOA 2003 (section 26),
  • Indecent photographs of children

    Protection of Children Act 1978 (section 1)
    child abuse,child porn,child pornography,children,indecent images,indecent images of children,indecent photographs,indecent photographs of children,indecent photos,PoCA (s.1),PoCA (s1),PoCA (section 1),PoCA 1978 (s.1),PoCA 1978 (s1),PoCA 1978 (section 1),Protection of Children Act (s.1),Protection of Children Act (s1),Protection of Children Act (section 1),Protection of Children Act 1978 (s.1),Protection of Children Act 1978 (s1),Protection of Children Act 1978 (section 1),s.1,s1,section 1,sex,sexual offences,
  • Individuals: Breach of duty of care

    Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.34
    breach,environmental offences,s.34,s34,section 34,
  • Individuals: Breach of duty of employer towards employees and non-employees/ Breach of duty of self-employed to others/ Breach of duty of employees at work/ Breach of Health and Safety regulations/ Secondary liability

    Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(a) for breaches of sections 2, 3 and 7, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(c)), Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (sections 36 and 37(1) for breaches of sections 2 and 3 and section 33(1)(c)
    1974,breach of duty employees,breach of duty non-employees,Breach of duty of employees at work,breach of duty of employer,Breach of duty of employer towards employees and non-employees,Breach of duty of self-employed to others,breach of duty self-employed,director,HASAWA 1974 (section 2),HASAWA 1974 (section 3),HASAWA 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HASAWA 1974 (section 36),HASAWA 1974 (section 37(1)),HASAWA 1974 (section 7),HASAWA 1974 s.2,HASAWA 1974 s.3,HASAWA 1974 s.33(1)(a),HASAWA 1974 s.36,HASAWA 1974 s.37(1),HASAWA 1974 s.7,HASAWA 1974 s2,HASAWA 1974 s3,HASAWA 1974 s33(1)(a),HASAWA 1974 s36,HASAWA 1974 s37(1),HASAWA 1974 s7,HASAWA s.2,HASAWA s.3,HASAWA s.33(1)(a),HASAWA s.36,HASAWA s.37(1),HASAWA s.7,HASAWA s2,HASAWA s3,HASAWA s33(1)(a),HASAWA s36,HASAWA s37(1),HASAWA s7,HASAWA section 2,HASAWA section 3,HASAWA section 33(1)(a),HASAWA section 36,HASAWA section 37(1),HASAWA section 7,HASWA 1974 (section 2),HASWA 1974 (section 3),HASWA 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HASWA 1974 (section 36,HASWA 1974 (section 37(1)),HASWA 1974 (section 7),HASWA 1974 s.2,HASWA 1974 s.3,HASWA 1974 s.33(1)(a),HASWA 1974 s.36,HASWA 1974 s.37(1),HASWA 1974 s.7,HASWA 1974 s2,HASWA 1974 s3,HASWA 1974 s33(1)(a),HASWA 1974 s36,HASWA 1974 s37(1),HASWA 1974 s7,HASWA s.2,HASWA s.3,HASWA s.33(1)(a),HASWA s.36,HASWA s.37(1),HASWA s.7,HASWA s2,HASWA s3,HASWA s33(1)(a),HASWA s36,HASWA s37(1),HASWA s7,HASWA section 2,HASWA section 3,HASWA section 33(1)(a),HASWA section 36,HASWA section 37(1),HASWA section 7,health & safety – individuals,health & safety – organisations,Health & Safety at Work Act (section 2),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 3),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 33(1)(a)),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 36),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 37(1)),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 7),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 2),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 3),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 36),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 37(1)),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 7),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.2,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.3,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.36,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.37(1),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.7,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s2,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s3,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s36,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s37(1),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s7,Health & Safety at Work Act s.2,Health & Safety at Work Act s.3,Health & Safety at Work Act s.33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act s.36,Health & Safety at Work Act s.37(1),Health & Safety at Work Act s.7,Health & Safety at Work Act s2,Health & Safety at Work Act s3,Health & Safety at Work Act s33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act s36,Health & Safety at Work Act s37(1),Health & Safety at Work Act s7,health and safety,health and safety – individuals,health and safety – organisations,health and safety at work act,Health and Safety at Work Act (section 2),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 3),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 33(1)(a)),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 36),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 37(1)),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 7),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 2),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 3),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 7),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 section 36,Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 section 37(1),HS74001,HS74002,HS74041,HSWA 1974 (section 2),HSWA 1974 (section 3),HSWA 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HSWA 1974 (section 36,HSWA 1974 (section 37(1)),HSWA 1974 (section 7),HSWA 1974 s.2,HSWA 1974 s.3,HSWA 1974 s.33(1)(a),HSWA 1974 s.36,HSWA 1974 s.37(1),HSWA 1974 s.7,HSWA 1974 s2,HSWA 1974 s3,HSWA 1974 s33(1)(a),HSWA 1974 s36,HSWA 1974 s37(1),HSWA 1974 s7,HSWA s.2,HSWA s.3,HSWA s.33(1)(a),HSWA s.36,HSWA s.37(1),HSWA s.7,HSWA s2,HSWA s3,HSWA s33(1)(a),HSWA s36,HSWA s37(1),HSWA s7,HSWA section 2,HSWA section 3,HSWA section 33(1)(a),HSWA section 36,HSWA section 37(1),HSWA section 7,s.33,s33,safety,section 33,workplace,
  • Individuals: Breach of food safety and food hygiene regulations

    Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 (regulation 17(1)), Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)), The General Food Regulations 2004 (regulation 4)
    2013,breach of food hygiene,breach of food hygiene England,breach of food hygiene regulations,breach of food hygiene regulations England,breach of food safety,Breach of food safety & food hygiene regulations,Breach of food safety & food hygiene regulations England,Breach of food safety and food hygiene regulations,Breach of food safety and food hygiene regulations England,breach of food safety England,breach of food safety regulations,breach of food safety regulations England,FG06002,food,food business,food hygiene,Food Hygiene (Wales) Regs 2006 (regulation 17(1)),Food Hygiene (Wales) regulation 17(1),Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations (regulation 17(1)),Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 (regulation 17(1)),food hygiene regulations,food hygiene regulations wales,food hygiene Wales,Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),food safety and hygiene regulations,food safety regulations,FS13009,FSAH (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),FSAH (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),FSAH (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),FSH (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),FSH (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),FSH (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),GE04003,GE04004,General Food Regs 2004 (regulation 4),general food regs 4,General Food Regulations Wales,GFR 2004 (regulation 4),GFR 4,GFR Wales,regulation 17,regulation 19,regulation 4,The General Food Regulations 2004 (regulation 4),The GFR 2004 (regulation 4),Wales food hygiene,Wales Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 (regulation 17(1)),wales general food regulations,wales GFR,
  • Individuals: Illegal discharges to air, land and water

    Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 , regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3), Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016, regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3)
    environmental offences,pollution,regulation 12,regulation 38,s.33,s33,section 33,
  • Individuals: Restrictions on use of public sewers

    Water Industry Act 1991, section 111
    environmental offences,s.111,s111,section 111,
  • Individuals: Trade mark, unauthorised use of etc.

    Trade Marks Act 1994, s.92
    counterfeit,s.92,s92,section 92,TM94003,TM94004,TM94005,TM94006,TM94008,TM94009,TM94010,TM94011,TM94012,TM94012C,TM94013,TM94014,TM94015,trademark,
  • Individuals: Transfrontier shipment of waste

    Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007
    environmental offences,
  • Individuals: Transporting controlled waste without registering

    Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989, s.1
    controlled waste,environmental offences,hazardous waste,pollution,s.1,s1,section 1,toxic waste,
  • Individuals: Unauthorised or harmful deposit, treatment or disposal etc of waste/ Illegal discharges to air, land and water

    Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.33, Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 , regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3), Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016, regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3)
    deposit of waste,disposal of waste,environmental offences,EP16001,EP16002,EP16003,EP16011,EP16012,EP16013,EP90015,EP90016,EP90081,EP90081C,EP90082,EP90082C,EP90089,EP90090,EP90100,EP90101,EP90102,EP90123,EP90124,EP90125,EP90126,EP90132,fly tipping,pollution,regulation 12,regulation 38,s.33,s33,section 33,treatment of waste,
  • Inducement, threat or deception to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder/ Causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in or agree to engage in sexual activity by inducement, threat or deception

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.34, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.35
    Causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in or agree to engage in sexual activity by inducement,causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by deception,causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by inducement,causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by threat,deception to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,Inducement,inducement to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.34),Sexual Offences Act (s.35),Sexual Offences Act (s34),Sexual Offences Act (s35),Sexual Offences Act (section 34),Sexual Offences Act (section 35),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.34),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.35),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s34),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s35),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 34),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 35),SOA,SOA (s.34),SOA (s.35),SOA (s34),SOA (s35),SOA (section 34),SOA (section 35),SOA 2003 (s.34),SOA 2003 (s.35),SOA 2003 (s34),SOA 2003 (s35),SOA 2003 (section 34),SOA 2003 (section 35),SX03088,SX03090,threat or deception,threat or deception to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,threat to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,
  • Inflicting grievous bodily harm/ Unlawful wounding/ Racially or religiously aggravated GBH/ Unlawful wounding

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29, Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.20
    assault,assault GBH,cd98072,domestic violence,emergency worker,emergency workers,GBH,GBH assault,GBH s.20,GBH s20,grievous bodily harm s.20,grievous bodily harm s20,hate crime,malicious,malicious wounding,of61131,OF61131B,Offences Against the Person Act s.20,Offences Against the Person Act s20,racially aggravated wounding,religiously aggravated wounding,s.20,s.20 assault,s.20 GBH,s.20 grievous bodily harm,s.20 Offences Against the Person Act,s.20 wounding,s.29,s20,s20 assault,s20 GBH,s20 grievous bodily harm,s20 oap,s20 Offences Against the Person Act,s20 wounding,s29,section 20,section 29,violence,violence against the person,violent cime,violent crime,wounding,wounding s.20,wounding s20,
  • Keeping a brothel used for prostitution

    Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.33A
    brothel keeping,keeping a brothel,keeping a brothel used for prostitution,pimp,s.33A,s33A,section 33A,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.1),Sexual Offences Act (s.33A),Sexual Offences Act (s1),Sexual Offences Act (s33A),Sexual Offences Act (section 1),Sexual Offences Act (section 33A),Sexual Offences Act 1956 (s.33A),Sexual Offences Act 1956 (s33A),Sexual Offences Act 1956 (section 33A),Sexual Offences Act 1956 33A,SOA,SOA (s.1),SOA (s.33A),SOA (s1),SOA (s33A),SOA (section 1),SOA (section 33A),SOA 1956 (s.33A),SOA 1956 (s33A),SOA 1956 (section 33A),SOA 1956 33A,SX56123,
  • Making Off Without Payment

    Theft Act 1978, s.3
    bilking,evasion,fraud,mowp,s.3,s3,section 3,TH78011,theft,
  • Making or supplying articles for use in frauds

    Fraud Act 2006, s.7
    making articles,making for fraud,making or supplying,possesing,s.7,section 7,Supplying articles,
  • Manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility

    Common law, Homicide Act 1957, s.2
    emergency worker,emergency workers,homicide,manslaughter diminished,s.2,s2,section 2,
  • Manslaughter by reason of loss of control

    Common law, Coroners and Justice Act 2009, ss 54 and 55
    55 cja 2003,cja 2009,emergency worker,emergency workers,homicide,manslaughter loss of control,s.54,s.55,s54 CJA 2009,s55,s55 cja,section 54,section 55,sections 54 and 55,
  • Meeting a child following sexual grooming

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.15
    child sexual grooming,grooming a minor,meeting a child following sexual grooming,meeting child after grooming,sex,sexual grooming,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.15),Sexual Offences Act (s15),Sexual Offences Act (section 15),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.15),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s15),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 15),SOA,SOA (s.15),SOA (s15),SOA (section 15),SOA 2003 (s.15),SOA 2003 (s15),SOA 2003 (section 15),SX03225,SX03226,
  • Money laundering

    Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329
    acquisition,acquisition criminal property,acquisition of criminal property,acquisition use and possession of criminal property,concealing,concealing criminal property,converting,converting criminal property,criminal property,disguising,disguising criminal property,entering into,entering into arrangements concerning criminal property,PC02006,PC02020,PC02021,possession criminal property,possession of criminal property,removing,removing criminal property,s.327,s.328,s.329,s327,s328,s329,section 327,section 328,section 329,transferring,transferring criminal property,use criminal property,use of criminal property,
  • Money laundering: acquisition, use and possession of criminal property

    Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329
    acquisition use and possession of criminal property,concealing,converting,disguising,entering into arrangements concerning criminal property,evasion,fraud,removing criminal property from England and Wales,s.327,s.328,s.329,s327,s328,s329,section 327,section 328,section 329,transferring,
  • Money laundering: concealing/ disguising/ converting/ transferring/ removing criminal property from England and Wales

    Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327
    acquisition use and possession of criminal property,concealing,converting,disguising,entering into arrangements concerning criminal property,evasion,fraud,removing criminal property from England and Wales,s.327,s.328,s.329,s327,s328,s329,section 327,section 328,section 329,transferring,
  • Money laundering: entering into arrangements concerning criminal property

    Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328
    evasion,fraud,possession of criminal property,s.327,s.328,s.329,s327,s328,s329,section 327,section 328,section 329,
  • Non-domestic burglary

    Theft Act 1968. s.9
    burglary of business,burglary of shop,commercial,commercial burglary,non domestic,non-domestic burglary,nondomestic burglary,other than a dwelling,s.10 Theft Act,s.9,s10 Theft Act,s9,section 9,TH68027,TH68029,TH68033,TH68037,TH68039,TH68041,theft,Theft Act 1968,Theft Act s.10,Theft Act s10,Theft Act section 10,
  • Offences with a terrorist connection: guidance

    Counter Terrorism Act 2008,Notification offences,Sch. 2,Sch2,Schedule 2,terrorist,Terrorist connection,Terrorists,
  • Organisations: Breach of duty of care

    Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.34
    breach,environmental offences,s.34,s34,section 34,
  • Organisations: Breach of duty of employer towards employees and non-employees/ Breach of duty of self-employed to others/ Breach of Health and Safety regulations

    Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(a) for breaches of sections 2 and 3), Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(c))
    1974,breach of duty employees,breach of duty non-employees,Breach of duty of employees at work,breach of duty of employer,Breach of duty of employer towards employees and non-employees,Breach of duty of self-employed to others,breach of duty self-employed,companies,company,HASAWA 1974 (section 2),HASAWA 1974 (section 3),HASAWA 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HASAWA 1974 s.2,HASAWA 1974 s.3,HASAWA 1974 s.33(1)(a),HASAWA 1974 s2,HASAWA 1974 s3,HASAWA 1974 s33(1)(a),HASAWA s.2,HASAWA s.3,HASAWA s.33(1)(a),HASAWA s2,HASAWA s3,HASAWA s33(1)(a),HASAWA section 2,HASAWA section 3,HASAWA section 33(1)(a),HASWA 1974 (section 2),HASWA 1974 (section 3),HASWA 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HASWA 1974 s.2,HASWA 1974 s.3,HASWA 1974 s.33(1)(a),HASWA 1974 s2,HASWA 1974 s3,HASWA 1974 s33(1)(a),HASWA s.2,HASWA s.3,HASWA s.33(1)(a),HASWA s2,HASWA s3,HASWA s33(1)(a),HASWA section 2,HASWA section 3,HASWA section 33(1)(a),health & safety – individuals,health & safety – organisations,Health & Safety at Work Act (section 2),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 3),Health & Safety at Work Act (section 33(1)(a)),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 2),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 3),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.2,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.3,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s.33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s2,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s3,Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 s33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act s.2,Health & Safety at Work Act s.3,Health & Safety at Work Act s.33(1)(a),Health & Safety at Work Act s2,Health & Safety at Work Act s3,Health & Safety at Work Act s33(1)(a),health and safety,health and safety – individuals,health and safety – organisations,health and safety at work act,Health and Safety at Work Act (section 2),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 3),Health and Safety at Work Act (section 33(1)(a)),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 2),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 3),Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HS74001,HS74002,HS74041,HSWA 1974 (section 2),HSWA 1974 (section 3),HSWA 1974 (section 33(1)(a)),HSWA 1974 s.2,HSWA 1974 s.3,HSWA 1974 s.33(1)(a),HSWA 1974 s2,HSWA 1974 s3,HSWA 1974 s33(1)(a),HSWA s.2,HSWA s.3,HSWA s.33(1)(a),HSWA s2,HSWA s3,HSWA s33(1)(a),HSWA section 2,HSWA section 3,HSWA section 33(1)(a),s.33,s33,safety,section 33,workplace,
  • Organisations: Breach of food safety and food hygiene regulations

    Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 (regulation 17(1)), Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)), The General Food Regulations 2004 (regulation 4)
    2013,breach of food hygiene,breach of food hygiene England,breach of food hygiene regulations,breach of food hygiene regulations England,breach of food safety,Breach of food safety & food hygiene regulations,Breach of food safety & food hygiene regulations England,Breach of food safety and food hygiene regulations,Breach of food safety and food hygiene regulations England,breach of food safety England,breach of food safety regulations,breach of food safety regulations England,FG06002,food,food business,food hygiene,Food Hygiene (Wales) Regs 2006 (regulation 17(1)),Food Hygiene (Wales) regulation 17(1),Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations (regulation 17(1)),Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 (regulation 17(1)),food hygiene regulations,food hygiene regulations wales,food hygiene Wales,food regulations,Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety & Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),food safety and hygiene regulations,food safety regulations,FS13009,FSAH (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),FSAH (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),FSAH (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),FSH (England) Regulations (regulation 19(1)),FSH (England) Regulations 2013 (regulation 19(1)),FSH (England) Regulations 2013 reg 19(1)),GE04003,GE04004,General Food Regs 2004 (regulation 4),general food regs 4,General Food Regulations Wales,GFR 2004 (regulation 4),GFR 4,GFR Wales,regulation 17,regulation 19,regulation 4,The General Food Regulations 2004 (regulation 4),The GFR 2004 (regulation 4),Wales food hygiene,Wales Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 (regulation 17(1)),wales general food regulations,wales GFR,
  • Organisations: Illegal discharges to air, land and water

    Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 , regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3)
    breach of an abatement notice,breach of duty of care,breaches,breaching,environmental offences,pollution,regulation 12,regulation 38,s.111,s.33,s.34,s.80,s111,s33,s34,s80,section 111,section 33,section 34 restrictions on use of public sewers,section 80,transporting controlled waste without registering,
  • Organisations: Restrictions on use of public sewers

    Water Industry Act 1991, s.111
    environmental offences,s.111,s111,section 111,
  • Organisations: Trade mark, unauthorised use of etc.

    Trade Marks Act 1994, s.92
    counterfeit,marks,s.92,s92,section 92,TM94003,TM94004,TM94005,TM94006,TM94008,TM94009,TM94010,TM94011,TM94012,TM94012C,TM94013,TM94014,TM94015,trade mark,trade marks,trademark,trademarks,
  • Organisations: Transfrontier shipment of waste

    Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 2007
    environmental offences,
  • Organisations: Unauthorised or harmful deposit, treatment or disposal etc of waste/ Illegal discharges to air, land and water

    Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 , regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3), Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016, regulations 12 and 38(1), (2) and (3), Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.33
    breach of an abatement notice,breach of duty of care,breaches,breaching,deposit of waste,disposal of waste,environmental offences,EP16001,EP16002,EP16003,EP16011,EP16012,EP16013,EP90015,EP90016,EP90081,EP90081C,EP90082,EP90082C,EP90089,EP90090,EP90123,EP90124,EP90125,EP90126,EP90132,fly tipping,pollution,regulation 12,regulation 38,s.111,s.33,s.34,s.80,s111,s33,s34,s80,section 111,section 33,section 80,transporting controlled waste without registering,treatment of waste,
  • Owner or person in charge of a dog dangerously out of control in any place in England or Wales (whether or not a public place) where death is caused

    Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, s. 3(1)
    dangerous,dangerous dog,dangerous dogs,DD91035,DDA,s.31,section 31,
  • Paying for the sexual services of a child

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.47
    paying child sex,paying child sexual services,paying for sex with a minor,paying for sexual services of child,paying for the sexual services of a child,paying sexual services,sex,sex with a minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.47),Sexual Offences Act (s47),Sexual Offences Act (section 47),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.47),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s47),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 47),SOA,SOA (s.47),SOA (s47),SOA (section 47),SOA 2003 (s.47),SOA 2003 (s47),SOA 2003 (section 47),SX03102,SX03103,SX03106,SX03107,SX03107A,SX03110,SX03111,
  • Permitting premises to be used

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.8
    MD71042,MD71045,MD71343,MD71344,MD71345,MD71346,MD71347,MD71348,MD71349,MD71350,MD71352,MD71356,MD71357,MD71358,MD71359,MD71360,MD71361,MD71362,MD71363,MD71365,MD71470,MD71471,MD71472,MD71473,MD71474,MD71475,MD71509,MD71511,MD71518,MD71535,MD71537,MD71538,MD71539,MD71540,MD71541,MD71559,MD71561,MD71563,MD71565,MD71567,MD71569,MD71579,MD71580,MD71587,MD71598,MD71605,MD71606,MD71617,MD71618,s.8,s8,section 8,
  • Perverting the course of justice

    Common law
    COML030,pervert,tendency to pervert,
  • Possession for terrorist purposes

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.57
    articles for terrorist activity,extremist material,having terrorist articles,possession of terrorist articles,PT00039,s.57 Terrorism Act,s57 Terrorism Act,terror,terrorism,Terrorism Act s.57,Terrorism Act s57,
  • Possession of a controlled drug

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(2)
    class a,MD71022,MD71211,MD71212,MD71213,MD71214,MD71215,MD71219,MD71220,MD71225,MD71396,MD71507,MD71530,MD71574,MD71596,MD71599,MD71609,MD71609A,posession,possession,s.52,s52,section 52,
  • Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply it to another

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3)
    class a,controlled drug,drugs supply,posession,possession,s.53,s53,section 53,
  • Possession of articles for use in frauds/ Making or supplying articles for use in frauds

    Fraud Act 2006, s.6, Fraud Act 2006, s.7
    evasion,FA06004,FA06005,fraud,fraudulent possession,make or supply,making articles,making or supplying,making or supplying articles for use in frauds,possessing,possessing articles,possession of articles for use in frauds,s.6,s.7,s6,s7,section 6,section 7,Supplying articles,
  • Possession of indecent photograph of child/ Indecent photographs of children

    Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.160, Protection of Children Act 1978 (section 1)
    child abuse,child porn,child pornography,children,CJ88115,indecent images,indecent images of children,indecent photographs,indecent photographs of children,indecent photos,pictures of a minor,pictures of child,PK78001,PK78001C,PoCA (s.1),PoCA (s1),PoCA (section 1),PoCA 1978 (s.1),PoCA 1978 (s1),PoCA 1978 (section 1),possession child porn,possession indecent image,Possession indecent images,Possession indecent photo,Possession of indecent photograph of child,Protection of Children Act (s.1),Protection of Children Act (s1),Protection of Children Act (section 1),Protection of Children Act 1978 (s.1),Protection of Children Act 1978 (s1),Protection of Children Act 1978 (section 1),s.1,s.160,s1,s160,section 1,section 160,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.160),Sexual Offences Act (s160),Sexual Offences Act (section 160),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.160),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s160),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 160),SOA,SOA (s.160),SOA (s160),SOA (section 160),SOA 2003 (s.160),SOA 2003 (s160),SOA 2003 (section 160),
  • Possession of psychoactive substance with intent to supply

    Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7(1)
    .7(1),s71,section 71,
  • Preparation of terrorist acts

    Terrorism Act 2006, s.5
    acts of terrorism,Preparation of terrorism,preparation of terrorist activity,preparing for terrorism,preparing for terrorist activity,preparing for terrorist acts,s.5 Terrorism Act,s5 Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s.5,Terrorism Act s5,terrorism preparation,terrorist activity,
  • Producing a psychoactive substance

    Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.4
    PS16001,s.4,s4,section 4,
  • Production of a controlled drug / Cultivation of cannabis plant

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4(2)(a) or (b), Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6(2)
    MD71090,MD71091,MD71092,MD71093,MD71094,MD71095,MD71099,MD71100,MD71105,MD71110,MD71111,MD71112,MD71113,MD71114,MD71115,MD71119,MD71120,MD71125,MD71430,MD71431,MD71432,MD71433,MD71434,MD71435,MD71440,MD71510,MD71512,MD71520,MD71522,MD71529,MD71531,MD71558,MD71562,MD71564,MD71566,MD71583,MD71584,MD71591,MD71592,MD71607,MD71608,MD71611,MD71613,s.4(2)(b),s.42A,s.6(2),s4(2)(b),s42A,s6(2),section 4(2)(b),section 42A,section 6(2),
  • Proscribed organisations – membership

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.11
    member of terrorist group,member of terrorist organisation,membership of terrorist organisation,PT00073,s.11 Terrorism Act,s11 Terrorism Act,terrorism,Terrorism Act s.11,Terrorism Act s11,terrorist,terrorist group member,terrorist organisation member,
  • Proscribed organisations – support

    Terrorism Act 2000, s.12
    PT00074,PT00075,PT00076,PT00077,s.12,s.12 Terrorism Act,s12 Terrorism Act,support for terrorism,supporting terrorism,supporting terrorist groups,supporting terrorist organisations,terror,terrorism,Terrorism Act,Terrorism Act s12,terrorist,terrorist support,
  • Racial hatred offences/ Hatred against persons on religious grounds or grounds of sexual orientation

    Public Order Act 1986, ss.18-23, Public Order Act 1986, ss.29B-29G
    29D,PU86021,PU86022,PU86023,PU86024,PU86095,PU86096,PU86097,PU86098,PU86109,PU86109C,PU86110,PU86111,PU86112,PU86135,PU86136,PU86137,PU86138,PU86139,PU86140,PU86141,PU86142,PU86143,PU86144,PU86145,PU86146,PU86147,PU86148,s.18,s.19,s.20,s.21,s.22,s.23,s.29C,s.29D,s.29E,s.29F,s.29G,s18,s19,s20,s21,s22,s23,s29B,s29C,s29E,s29F,s29G,section 18,section 19,section 20,section 21,section 22,section 23,section 29B,section 29C,section 29D,section 29E,section 29F,section 29G,
  • Rape

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.1
    rape,rape (adult),sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.1),Sexual Offences Act (s1),Sexual Offences Act (section 1),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.1),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s1),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 1),SOA,SOA (s.1),SOA (s1),SOA (section 1),SOA 2003 (s.1),SOA 2003 (s1),SOA 2003 (section 1),
  • Rape of a child under 13

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.5
    child abuse,child rape,rape of child u13,rape of child under 13,rape u13,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.5),Sexual Offences Act (s5),Sexual Offences Act (section 5),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.5),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s5),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 5),SOA,SOA (s.5),SOA (s5),SOA (section 5),SOA 2003 (s.5),SOA 2003 (s5),SOA 2003 (section 5),
  • Revenue fraud

    Common law, Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (sections 50, 170 and 170B), Fraud Act 2006, s.1, Taxes Management Act 1970 (section 106A), Theft Act 1968, s.17, Value Added Tax Act 1994 (section 72)
    CE79160,CE79161,CE79164,CE79165,CE79166,CE79167,CE79176,CE79177,CE79178,CE79179,CE79180,CE79183,CE79184,CE79185,CE79246,CE79247,cheat the public revenue,cheating the public revenue,COML063,conduct amounting to an offence,conspiracy to defraud,evasion,false accounting,false statement for VAT purposes,fraud,fraudulent evasion of excise duty,fraudulent evasion of excise duty; improper importation of goods,fraudulent evasion of income tax,fraudulent evasion of VAT,improper importation of goods,s.1,s.106,s.17,s.170,s.170B,s.50,s.72,s1,s106,s17,s170,s170B,s50,s72,section 1,section 106,section 17,section 170,section 170B,section 50,section 72,TM70004,VA94001,VA94002,VA94003,VA94004,VA94006,VA94007,
  • Riot

    Public Order Act 1986, s.1
    rioting,s.1,s1,section 1,
  • Robbery – dwelling

    Theft Act 1968, s.8(1)
    domestic robbery,dwelling house robbery,dwelling robbery,home robbery,robbery in a domestic setting,robbery in a dwelling,robbery of a domestic setting,s.8(1) Theft Act,s8(1) Theft Act,Theft Act s.8(1),Theft Act s8(1),
  • Robbery – professionally planned commercial

    Theft Act 1968, s.8(1)
    commercial robbery,planned robbery,professional commercial robbery,professional robbery,robbery in commercial premises,robbery of commercial premises,s.8(1) Theft Act,s8(1) Theft Act,Theft Act s.8(1),Theft Act s8(1),
  • Robbery – Sentencing children and young people

    juvenile,juveniles,minor,minors,robbery: sentencing children and young people,TH68023,youths,
  • Robbery – street and less sophisticated commercial

    Theft Act 1968, s.8(1)
    commercial robbery,mugging,robbery in commercial premises,robbery in the street,robbery of commercial premises,s.8(1),s.8(1) Theft Act,s8(1) Theft Act,section 8(1),street robbery,Theft Act s.8(1),Theft Act s8(1),
  • Sex with an adult relative: consenting to penetration

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.65
    incest,sex,sex with adult relative consenting,sex with an adult relative consenting to penetration,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.65),Sexual Offences Act (s65),Sexual Offences Act (section 65),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.65),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s65),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 65),SOA,SOA (s.65),SOA (s65),SOA (section 65),SOA 2003 (s.65),SOA 2003 (s65),SOA 2003 (section 65),
  • Sex with an adult relative: penetration/ Sex with an adult relative: consenting to penetration

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.64, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.65
    adult relative sex penetration,incest,penetration sex with adult relative,sex,sex with adult relative consenting,sex with an adult relative consenting to penetration,sex with an adult relative penetration,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.1),Sexual Offences Act (s.65),Sexual Offences Act (s1),Sexual Offences Act (s65),Sexual Offences Act (section 1),Sexual Offences Act (section 65),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.1),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.64),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.65),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s1),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s64),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s65),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 64),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 65),SOA,SOA (s.1),SOA (s.65),SOA (s1),SOA (s65),SOA (section 1),SOA (section 65),SOA 2003 (s.1),SOA 2003 (s.64),SOA 2003 (s.65),SOA 2003 (s1),SOA 2003 (s64),SOA 2003 (s65),SOA 2003 (section 64),SOA 2003 (section 65),SX03126,SX03127,
  • Sexual activity with a child family member (offender under 18)

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.25
    offender u18 sex with child family member,sex,sex with child family member offender u18,sex with child family member offender under 18,sexual activity with a child family member (offender under 18),sexual activity with a minor,sexual activity with minor,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.25),Sexual Offences Act (s25),Sexual Offences Act (section 25),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.25),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s25),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 25),SOA,SOA (s.25),SOA (s25),SOA (section 25),SOA 2003 (s.25),SOA 2003 (s25),SOA 2003 (section 25),SX03062,SX03063,SX03066,SX03067,
  • Sexual activity with a child family member/ Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.25, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.26
    incite sexual activity child family member,inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity,inciting sex with a minor,inciting sexual activity child family member,section 26,sex,sex child family member,sex with a minor,sexual activity child family member,Sexual activity with a child family member,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.25),Sexual Offences Act (s.26),Sexual Offences Act (s25),Sexual Offences Act (s26),Sexual Offences Act (section 25),Sexual Offences Act (section 26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.25),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s25),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s26),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 25),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 26),SOA,SOA (s.25),SOA (s.26),SOA (s25),SOA (s26),SOA (section 25),SOA (section 26),SOA 2003 (s.25),SOA 2003 (s.26),SOA 2003 (s25),SOA 2003 (s26),SOA 2003 (section 25),SOA 2003 (section 26),SX03064,SX03065,SX03068,SX03069,SX03072,SX03073,SX03076,SX03077,SX03172,SX03173,SX03174,SX03175,SX03176,SX03177,SX03178,SX03179,
  • Sexual activity with a child/ Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.10, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.9
    cause or incite sexual activity child,cause or incite sexual activity child offender under 18,causing a minor,causing child to engage in sexual activity,causing child to engage in sexual activity offender under 18,Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity offender under 18,Causing or inciting sexual activity child,Causing or inciting sexual activity child offender under 18,child sexual activity,child sexual activity offender under 18,inciting a minor,inciting child to engage in sexual activity,inciting child to engage in sexual activity offender under 18,sex,sex with a minor,sex with child,sex with child offender under 18,sexual activity with a child,sexual activity with a child offender under 18,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.10),Sexual Offences Act (s.9),Sexual Offences Act (s10),Sexual Offences Act (s9),Sexual Offences Act (section 10),Sexual Offences Act (section 9),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.10),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.9),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s10),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s9),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 10),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 9),SOA,SOA (s.10),SOA (s.9),SOA (s10),SOA (s9),SOA (section 10),SOA (section 9),SOA 2003 (s.10),SOA 2003 (s.9),SOA 2003 (s10),SOA 2003 (s9),SOA 2003 (section 10),SOA 2003 (section 9),SX03156,SX03157,SX03158,SX03159,SX03160,SX03161,SX03162,SX03163,SX03164,SX03165,SX03166,SX03167,SX03168,SX03169,SX03170,SX03170A,SX03171,SX03171A,
  • Sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice/ Causing or inciting a person, with a mental disorder impeding choice, to engage in sexual activity

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.30, Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.31
    Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act,Causing or inciting,Causing or inciting a person with a mental disorder impeding choice to engage in sexual activity,causing person,engaging in sexual activity,inciting person,mental disorder impeding choice,mental disorder sexual activity,person with mental disorder,sexual activity mental disorder,sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.30),Sexual Offences Act (s.31),Sexual Offences Act (s30),Sexual Offences Act (s31),Sexual Offences Act (section 30),Sexual Offences Act (section 31),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.30),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.31),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s30),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s31),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 30),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 31),SOA,SOA (s.30),SOA (s.31),SOA (s30),SOA (s31),SOA (section 30),SOA (section 31),SOA 2003 (s.30),SOA 2003 (s.31),SOA 2003 (s30),SOA 2003 (s31),SOA 2003 (section 30),SOA 2003 (section 31),SX03078,SX03079,SX03080,SX03081,SX03082,SX03083,SX03084,SX03085,
  • Sexual assault

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.3
    abuse,emergency woirkers,emergency worker,indecent assault,s.3,s3,s3 soa 2003,section 3,sex,sex assault,sexual assault,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.3),Sexual Offences Act (s3),Sexual Offences Act (section 3),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.3),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s3),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 3),SOA,SOA (s3),SOA (section 3),SOA 2003 (s.3),SOA 2003 (s3),SOA 2003 (section 3),SOA s.3,SX03007,SX03008,
  • Sexual assault of a child under 13

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.7
    child abuse,child sex assault,children,minor,s.7,s7,section 7,sex,sex assault child,sex assault child under 13,sex assault u13,sexual assault of a child under 13,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.7),Sexual Offences Act (s7),Sexual Offences Act (section 7),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.7),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s7),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 7),SOA,SOA (s.7),SOA (s7),SOA (section 7),SOA 2003 (s.7),SOA 2003 (s7),SOA 2003 (section 7),SX03017,SX03018,
  • Sexual communication with a child

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.15A
  • Sexual offences – historical

    Sexual Offences Act 1956 (unless otherwise stated)
    abuse of position of trust,buggery,buggery with an animal,buggery with animal,child porn,child pornography,Criminal Justice Act 1988,Criminal Law Act 1977,detention,incest,incitement,indecency,Indecency with Children Act 1960,indecent assault,indecent photographs,indecent photos,Mental Health Act 1959,photographs,photos,pornography,procuration,procurement,prostitute,prostitution,Protection of Children Act 1978,rape,s 14,s 15,s.1,s.12,section 1,section 12,section 14,section 15,sex iwith an animal,sex offence,sex offences,sex with a girl,sex with animal,sex with girl,Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000,Sexual Offences Act 1956,Sexual Offences Act 2003,SOA,Theft Act 1968,
  • Sexual offences – Sentencing children and young people

    juvenile,minor,rape,sexual offences: sentencing children and young people,youths,
  • Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour/ Human trafficking

    Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.1, Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.2
    modern slavery,MS15001,MS15002,MS15003,s.1,s.2,s1,s2,section 1,section 2,trafficking,
  • Stalking (involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress)/ Racially or religiously aggravated stalking (involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress)

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.31(1)(b), Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.4A
    32(1)b,s 32(1)(b),s.4A,section 32(1)(b),section 4A,
  • Stalking/ Racially or religiously aggravated stalking

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.31(1)(a), Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.2A
    s 2a,s 32(1)(a),s.32,section 2a,section 32(1)(a),
  • Supplying or offering to supply a controlled drug/ Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply it to another

    Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 s.4(3), Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3)
    drugs supply,MD71130,MD71131,MD71132,MD71133,MD71134,MD71135,MD71139,MD71140,MD71145,MD71150,MD71151,MD71152,MD71153,MD71154,MD71155,MD71159,MD71160,MD71165,MD71170,MD71171,MD71172,MD71173,MD71174,MD71175,MD71179,MD71180,MD71185,MD71190,MD71191,MD71192,MD71193,MD71194,MD71195,MD71199,MD71200,MD71205,MD71230,MD71231,MD71232,MD71233,MD71234,MD71235,MD71239,MD71240,MD71245,MD71441,MD71442,MD71445,MD71446,MD71447,MD71448,MD71449,MD71450,MD71451,MD71452,MD71453,MD71454,MD71455,MD71456,MD71492,MD71503,MD71504,MD71508,MD71517,MD71519,MD71523,MD71524,MD71525,MD71526,MD71528,MD71532,MD71533,MD71534,MD71544,MD71545,MD71547,MD71548,MD71550,MD71551,MD71553,MD71554,MD71556,MD71557,MD71571,MD71572,MD71575,MD71576,MD71577,MD71578,MD71585,MD71586,MD71588,MD71589,MD71590,MD71593,MD71594,MD71595,MD71597,MD71600,MD71601,MD71602,MD71603,MD71604,MD71610,MD71610A,MD71612,MD71612A,MD71612C,MD71614,MD71615,MD71616,PWITS,s.4(3),s.53,s4(3),s53,section 4(3),section 53,
  • Supplying or offering to supply a psychoactive substance/ Possession of psychoactive substance with intent to supply

    Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.5(1) or 5(2), Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7(1)
    PS16002,PS16003,PS16004,s.51,s.52,s.71,s51,s52,s71,section 51,section 52,section 71,
  • Theft – general

    Theft Act 1968, s.1
    1968 theft act,bicycle,bike,car theft,domestic theft,general,general theft,home,pick pocketing,s.1,s1,section 1,TH68001,TH68002,TH68003,TH68004,TH68006,TH68007,TH68009,TH68012,TH68013,TH68015,TH68016,TH68017,TH68018,TH68019,TH68020,theft,Theft - other - including theft by finding,Theft Act 1968,Theft by employee,Theft by walk-in (sneak-in),Theft from a meter / automatic machine,theft from a motor vehicle,Theft from a vehicle - other than a motor vehicle,theft from the person,Theft from the person of another,theft general,theft in a dwelling,theft in breach of trust,theft of a bicycle,theft of a bike,theft of a car,theft of a motor vehicle,theft of a pedal bicycle,Theft of conveyance other than motor vehicle or pedal cycle,Theft of fixture by tenant,Theft of mail bag / postal packet,Theft of pedal cycle,Theft of wild creature,Theft of wild flower / flowers,
  • Theft from a shop or stall

    Theft Act 1968, s.1
    s.1,s1,section 1,shop,shop theft,shoplifting,TH68010,theft,theft from shop,theft from stall,theft shop,
  • Threatening behaviour – fear or provocation of violence/ Racially or religiously aggravated threatening behaviour – fear or provocation of violence

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.31(1)(a), Public Order Act 1986, s.4
    CD98066,PU86004,PU86106,s.31,s.4,s31,s4,section 31,section 4,
  • Threatening with an article with blade/point in a public place

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139AA(1))
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Threatening with an article with blade/point or offensive weapon on education premises

    Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s.139AA(1))
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,threatening with an offensive weapon#,threatening with offensive weapon,
  • Threatening with an offensive weapon in a public place

    Prevention of Crime Act 1953 (s.1A)
    bladed,blades,knife,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Threats to destroy or damage property

    Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.2
    CD71043,criminal damage,s.2,s2,section 2,threat to damage,threat to destroy,threats to damage,
  • Threats to kill

    Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.16
    emergency worker,emergency workers,oap,OAPA,OF61014,s.16,s16 oap,section 16,threat to kill,threatening to kill,
  • Trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.63
    sex,sexual offence trespass with intent,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.63),Sexual Offences Act (s63),Sexual Offences Act (section 63),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.63),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s63),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 63),SOA,SOA (s.63),SOA (s63),SOA (section 63),SOA 2003 (s.63),SOA 2003 (s63),SOA 2003 (section 63),SX03125,trespass to commit sexual offence,trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence,
  • Unauthorised possession in prison of a knife or offensive weapon

    Prison Act 1952 (s.40CA)
    blade in prison,bladed,blades,in prison,knife,knife in prison,knives,offensive weapon,possession of a weapon,s.1,s.139,s1,s139,section 1,section 139,stabbing,
  • Unlawful act manslaughter

    Common law
    emergency worker,emergency workers,homicide,
  • Unlawful wounding/ Racially or religiously aggravated unlawful wounding

    Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29, Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.20
    s.20,s.29,s20,s29,section 20,section 29,
  • Violent disorder

    Public Order Act 1986, s.2
    PU86002,s.2,s2,section 2,
  • Voyeurism

    Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.67
    peeping,S SOA 2003 s67,s.67,s67,section 67,sex,sexual offences,Sexual Offences Act (s.67),Sexual Offences Act (s67),Sexual Offences Act (section 67),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s.67),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (s67),Sexual Offences Act 2003 (section 67),SOA,SOA (s.67),SOA (s67),SOA (section 67),SOA 2003 (s.67),SOA 2003 (s67),SOA 2003 (section 67),SX03130,SX03131,SX03131A,SX03132,voyeurism,
  • Witness intimidation

    Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s.51(1) and s.51(2)
    intending to intimidate,intimidate,s51,s51(1),s51(2),section 51,section 51(1),section 51(2),