
Publication types

Publication topics


PUBLICATION  –  Guideline assessment  –  

Research review of the Overarching principles: domestic abuse sentencing guideline

The Sentencing Council is required under its statutory duties to review the performance of its guidelines. Following public consultation in 2020, the Council identified five Strategic objectives for 2021-2026. These included a commitment to “explore the impact and implementation of the domestic abuse overarching guideline by undertaking an evaluation”.

PUBLICATION  –  Guideline assessment  –  

Review of trend analysis of the Sentencing Council’s Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline

This report sets out the findings from a review of trend analysis of the impact of the Imposition guideline in clarifying the principles relating to the imposition of community and custodial sentences. This work has been carried out to help us meet our statutory duty to monitor the operation and effect of sentencing guidelines and consider what conclusions can be drawn.

PUBLICATION  –  Guideline assessment  –  

Magistrates' Court Sentencing Guidelines: Assessment of guideline

The Sentencing Council has published its assessment of the impact and implementation of the 2017 update to the Magistrates' Court Sentencing Guidelines, under its statutory duty to monitor the operation and effect of its sentencing guidelines and to draw conclusions from this information. The assessment reflects the Council’s approach of seeking to improve its work through consultation and evaluation.